715-749-3849 | M,W,F 10-6pm, Tu,Th 10-7pm, Sat 10-1pm

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MORE Temporarily Unavailable

Due to a system upgrade, the MORE Catalog, MORE app, and Libby will be temporarily unavailable March 25th. Patrons must bring their library cards to...

STEM Building Series

Join us for STEM building at the library once a month from 4:30-5:30! Recommended ages 3-8. March 18th - Building Towers with KEVA Planks April 8th -...

New Text Message Service

If you'd like to start getting texts about holds and due dates, we can now sign you up! Call 715-749-3849 or stop in to let us know.

Story Time

Story Time! Monday's and Wednesday's 10:30-11:15am Join us for stories, songs, sign language, and crafts! Spring story time will be running March to mid...

Lego Club

Lego Club (ages 5+)  10:30-12:30pm First Saturday each month in the community room. Drop in to build whatever your imagination can dream up. Please do...

Resources included with your library card!