Key Contacts
Tori Schoess-Director (schoess@robertspubliclibrary.org)
Laura Maki- Youth Services/Programming Coordinator (lmaki@robertspubliclibrary.org)
Hazel Mackin Community Library Story
The original Roberts Library Board of Trustees decided unanimously in 1975 to name the new Roberts Library for Hazel Mackin, the person whom they believed had done the most through the years to encourage reading in the Roberts-Warren Community.
Mrs. Mackin taught in the Roberts Elementary School for 35 years and was the first teacher for hundreds of Roberts High School graduates. As the Roberts Grade School had no central library, the first, second, and third graders read books from her fascinating little library in the back of her classroom. Upon completion of their assignments, students moved to the library area where they sat on small chairs around little tables and read their library books. The little chairs and tables were constructed by Custodian Levi Waughtal. Mrs. Mackin was also a talented piano player and vocal music teacher. She directed several grades 1 through 8 musical productions each year.
Hazel grew up in Roberts as Hazel Rushenberg, a member of the 1913 graduation class, the first for the new Warren Union High School, which would later be renamed Roberts High School. After graduation and preparation to become a teacher, she married Arthur Mackin, and they had two sons, James and Eugene.
Sadly, Arthur died at a young age and she became a single parent to their two sons, James and Eugene. As James (Jimmy) was beginning college life at River Falls State College, now the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, he became a victim of polio and spent the remainder of his life in an iron lung. He died in 1960. Eugene (Buster) married and became the father of three children. He resided with his family in Fairbanks, Alaska, until his death in 2004.
Mrs. Mackin’s teaching, suggestions, counseling, and inspiration have encouraged many people who now enjoy successful lives throughout the United States and the world. She died in 1974, not long before the library board decided to name the new Roberts-Warren community library after her: one of its own who contributed so very much to this area and regions far beyond.
Mary Torres was the library’s first director, serving the community in this capacity for fourteen years, from 1976 to 1989. When she left, the board awarded her with an honor of gratitude for her “vision, inspiration, and dedication, which caused this library to grow and expand immeasurably through its first fourteen years.”
Roberts Area Resources
Community food resource directory
Free Produce & Bakery Distribution
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
1500 Vine St, Hudson, WI 54016
Monday, 9 am 715-381-5120
United Methodist Church
1401 Laurel Ave, Hudson, WI 54016
Wednesday, 9-9:30 715-386-3921
The First Baptist Church
309 Vine St, Hudson, WI 54016
Every other Friday, 9 am 507-226-3244
(Panera Bread distribution Wednesday, 5:30 pm)
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
505 South 13th St, Hudson, WI 54016
The opposite Fridays from The Crossing Point, distribution begins at 9 am 715-386-5409
Family of Christ
285 County Road E
Houlton, WI 54082
Hudson Food Shelf – 715-338-0332
Food Pantries
Please access the food pantry in the school district where you live and bring ID and proof of address.
Baldwin/Woodville/Hammond Food Pantry
920 6th Ave, Baldwin, WI 54002
Hours: 2nd& 4th Wed., 10am-noon and 2pm-4pm 715-688-3844
All other hours by appointment.
Five Loaves Food Shelf
144 W. Third St., New Richmond, WI 54017
Located next to Anytime Fitness
Hours: Monday 6-7:30 pm; Tuesday 10 am—noon Wednesday 2-4 pm; Thursday 6-7:30 pm. No appointments needed, walk-in.
Hudson Christian Food Cupboard
St. Patrick’s Church
1500 Vine St, Hudson WI 54016
Appointments: Monday-Thursday, 9 am-1pm 715-338-0332
River Falls Community Food Pantry
222 N Main St, Ste C, River Falls, WI 54022
No appointments needed. Hours: Monday 10-noon, & 6:30-8 pm Wednesday 1-5pm; Thursday 6:30-8 pm; Friday 10-noon; Saturday 10-noon (2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month) Entrance located behind BoJon’s Flowers 715-425-6880
Somerset Community Food Pantry
203 Church Hill Rd, Somerset, WI 54025
Call for an appointment: 715-247-2945 Monday: 9-11 am and 4-6 pm; Thursday: 4-6 pm
United Church of Christ Food Pantry (Serves SCC School District)
1001 Birch Dr, Roberts, WI 54023
Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 9-11:30 am Wednesday, 6:30-8 pm or by appointment, if needed
West CAP/Food Access & Resource Center
Serving Glenwood City and Boyceville
823 Main St, Boyceville, WI 54013
Thursday: 3 pm—7 pm; Friday 9 am—1 pm 715-977-1191
Zion Lutheran Church Food Pantry
221 N Lockwood St, Woodville WI 54028
By appointments only: 715-698-2707
Free Community Meals
United Methodist Church
209 E 2nd St, New Richmond, WI 54017
3rd Tuesday, 5-6:30 pm
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
1350 Florence St, Baldwin, WI 54002
1st Tuesday, 5-6:30 pm 715-684-2984
St. Bridget’s Catholic Church
211 E Division St, River Falls, WI 54022
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 5-6 pm 715-425-1870
Contact Brenda Gaulke for more information: 715-425-6698; Soup & Bread 3rd Tuesday, 5-6 pm
Bethel Lutheran Church
920 3rd St, Hudson, WI 54016
715-386-8821 1st & 3rd Thursday, 5-6:30 pm
First Baptist Church
309 Vine Street, Hudson, WI 54016
Every Wednesday 5:30-6:30 pm 715-386-9589
(Panera Bread distribution to all)
WIC Program
Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, & Children
Phone 715-246-8359 to apply.
The WIC program serves pregnant and breastfeeding women, women who have just had a baby in the past 6 months, and babies and children up to 5 years of age. To qualify, you must meet income guidelines and have a nutrition or health need. Food benefits are provided to buy specific healthy foods and starting July 2015 these benefits will be available by using an EBT card (electronic billing transfer).
WIC Farmers Market
Nutrition Program Checks are provided for locally grown produce in the summer and fall.
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
Free checks for produce, May-October, serving ages 60+; $1,679 mo/income for one person, $2,268 for two persons. Contact: West CAP for further information & registration. Phone: 715-977-1191
Commodity Supplement Food Program for Seniors
For seniors age 60+; at or below $1,180 for one person, $1,593 for two persons. Contact West CAP for further information & registration. 1-800-606-9227, ext 1329
Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
Senior Dining Services & Home Delivered Meals
St. Croix County Services Center Health & Human Services Center
1752 Dorset Ln, New Richmond, WI 54017
Food Share
Information, including program guidelines and income limits can be found at: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/FoodShare/index.htm. You may apply online at: www.access.wisconsin.gov , call Great Rivers Call Center at 1-888-283-0012 or apply in person at the Economic Support Office. An interview is required after an application is submitted.
Other Food Resources
Lakeside Canning
660 North Second Street
New Richmond, WI 54017
$6.50 per case/vegetables; cash only
1st Wednesday only, 1-3:00 pm
Fare for All Express
Sells packages of fruits, vegetables, and frozen meats
Cash, check or EBT cards are accepted
For more information, visit www.fareforall.org or call 763-450-3880 or 1-800-582-4291
Closest sites to St. Croix County are Lakeland and Stillwater, MN
Food Harvest Ministry
Lakeland MN
Afton/Lakeland Elementary School
475 St. Croix Trail S.
Lakeland MN 55043
Tim Ailport 612-708-6799
3rd Saturday of the month; Doors open at 7 am. Food distribution, begins about 8 am. Come to help at 6:30 am if willing. Bring large boxes, clothes baskets, or a cooler and a donation of $15. Bring a wagon if you have one. You will receive a number, indicating when you will go through the distribution line. (lots of fresh produce!)
Ruby’s Pantry
National Guard Armory
1245 Wall Street
New Richmond, WI 54017
Every 3rd Thursday, 5-6:30 pm food distribution; doors open at 4:30 pm. Bring 2 large boxes, clothes baskets, or a cooler and a donation of $20, you will receive a number, indicating when you will go through the distribution line.
Ruby’s Pantry
Congregational Church
201 Harriman Ave. North, Amery, WI
2nd Saturday, $20 Must purchase between 7:30-8:45 am; Distribution begins at 9 am; Bring 2 large boxes, clothes baskets, or a cooler. For more information: office.ameryucc@gmail.com 715-268-7390 (church email and phone number)