Hazel Mackin Community Library
Board Meeting Agenda
February 23rd, 2021 4:30 PM
HMCL and virtual meeting option
Please contact Donna Haugen at donnahaugen83@gmail.com for any questions or accommodations needed to attend the meeting.
- Call to Order
- Roll call and introduction of guests
- Approval of Agenda- Action Item
- Public Comment
- Approval of January Minutes- Action Item
- Approval of Bills- Action Item
- Approval of Financial Report- Action Item
- Director’s Report
- Library Board Vacancy- Discussion and Possible Action
- Reopening Guidelines Review- Discussion and Possible Action
- Donations and Memorials- Discussion and Possible Action
- Library Hours- Discussion and Possible Action
- Summer Help- Discussion
- Adjournment- Action Item
* Agendas are subject to change up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. Items on the agenda may not be presented in this order.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 879 2105 2379
Passcode: 921864