715-749-3849 | M,W,F 10-6pm, Tu,Th 10-7pm, Sat 10-1pm

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Library Blog

Stuffed Animal Sleepover!

Stuffed Animal Sleepover!

Bring you stuffed animal to the library so they can have a sleepover! Drop off on Friday July 21st, then pick them back up on Saturday July 22nd to see what mischief they were up to overnight!

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July 19th 10:30am - 1pm  Join us at Roberts Park for touch-a-truck! Come check out trucks, police cars, fire trucks, garbage trucks, and more!

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Magic the Gathering Club

Magic the Gathering Club

*Time Change! Every first Thursday of the month from 5:30 - 6:30pm Thanks to the MagiKids non-profit, we've got Magic the Gathering cards and all of the other supplies needed to start our very own Magic the Gathering Club. While all ages are welcome, the club is...

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Friends of the Library Hosted Book Sale

Friends of the Library Hosted Book Sale

Thursday, April 27th-Saturday, April 29th during library hours the Friends of the Library volunteer group will be hosting a book sale in honor of National Library Week. Donations will be accepted from Monday, April 24th-Wednesday, April 26th, not before or after. We...

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