715-749-3849 | M,W,F 10-6pm, Tu,Th 10-7pm, Sat 10-1pm

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Library Blog

Regular Hours and (Slowly) Returning Programs

  Slowly, but steadily, we're moving to get closer to what the library looked like pre-COVID.  In June the library returned to our regular hours (10-6pm Mon./Wed./Fri., 10-7pm Tues./Thurs. and 10-1pm Sat.) and we stopped quarantining materials. The Summer Reading...

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Summer Reading 2021!

   WE'RE BACK! Starting Tuesday, June 1st the library will be back to our regular pre-Covid hours, so that's: Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10-6pm, Tuesday/Thursday 10-7pm, and Saturdays 10-1pm. We will be following the CDC mask guidelines, which means we are asking...

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